PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: What Makes an Advisor Referable

Common wisdom says that referrals are the most effective way to gain new clients. Yet, many advisors still struggle to attract enough referrals to hit their growth expectations. This presentation, What Makes an Advisor (More) Referable, includes exclusive research from SEI’s white paper, co-written with Julie Littlechild of Absolute Engagement and Stephen Wershing of The Client-Driven Practice. Director of Practice Management Corey Brodsky and John Anderson of SEI will discuss a framework of characteristics that make an advisor referable; how to engage your clients as your advocates in the referral-generating process; key actions you can take; and new resources to help you increase referrals today based on the research. Recorded June 4, 2020.

Duration: 53:47

Posted: Thursday, September 17, 2020

Video tags: AP Webinar Series