Practice Management: Advice in a New Era
Advances in technology and efficiencies in the markets have evolved our industry. We find ourselves in a new era. The role of the advisor has expanded beyond investment advice and portfolio allocation. Today's most valued advisors have become trusted coaches. They are tasked with having to understand and manage client behavior. In this program, advisors are equipped with the tools to help develop a mastery of approaching advice in the new era. Date: April 23, 2020
Advances in technology and efficiencies in the markets have evolved our industry. We find ourselves in a new era. The role of the advisor has expanded beyond investment advice and portfolio allocation. Today's most valued advisors have become trusted coaches. They are tasked with having to understand and manage client behavior. In this program, advisors are equipped with the tools to help develop a mastery of approaching advice in the new era. Date: April 23, 2020